
Consciousness Creation Quotes

Consciousness Creation Quotes

Exploration of Consciousness är något som verkligen fascinerar mig och haft ett stort nöje med att utforska detta. Jag har funnit vissa citat från många pionjärer i detta område som för mig är extra intressant och delar med sig från sina synvinklar. Mycket nya banbrytande idéer som får en att tänka till. Hur du tolkar dessa ’revolutionerade’ och förmodligen ’mind-blowing’ citat är helt upp till dig! Pass på!


“We Are spirit Taking “The human Pill” - Story Waters

“Outer Reality as a Reflection of the Inner” - Kristen Fox

“Every person lives in two different worlds: the world of ultimate reality and the world of subjective reality. Ultimate reality represents the “whole truth” of the universe from a macro level, a micro level, and everything in between” - James McCrae

“You have complete power over your life situation because you create your reality” - William Eastwood

“You were born to create, independent and unique to anything the world has ever experienced before” - Zen Gardner

“The universe is intelligent and aware. It is essentially a mind, a being — one being. In a sense, the Universe is ONE SELF” - Jeff Street

“We are on a cosmic voyage from mystery to mystery. Living the odyssey of existence” - Seth Balthazar

“Everything is consciousness. The Final Frontier Is BOTH Outer Space AND Inner Space” - Sören Lauritsen

“Everything is interconnected. How everyting is your mirror. Everyting is you pushed out” - Kriston Jackson

Imagination is GOD. Imagination is the only reality. I am GOD! All things are possible to me. There is only infinite love and abundance” - Neville Goddard

You are the author of your life. What story are you deciding to create?” - Marcel Hamerslag

“From the level of realizing that we are all one it can be said that the one eternal consciousness that we are each an expressibo of creates the entire world. Even though you are a part of the mass reality, your personal reality remains your own creation.The world can be seen as the mass expression of all beings within it. We are each God—each the world” - Story Waters

Your reality is your own hologram. You are encapsulated by the facts your projecting. Consciousness creates reality and thoughts form matter! If you wonder how your thoughts could create your reality, the holomovement and holographic universe concept explains how.” - William Eastwood

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and cannot help but get that reality. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” Albert Einstein

“Quantum physics tells us that everything in the Universe from the smallest particles to galaxies is held together by a vibrating field called The Quantum Field of Possibilities. Imagine the Quantum Field of Possibilities as a big ”toy-box” and yourself as the one choosing which ”toys” you want to play with. Events, things and situations in your Reality always have their beginning in the quantum realm as particles or energy waves” - Gordana Biernat

“Quantum physics has shown that everything is energy. That includes us! Physical reality isn’t very ‘physical’ at all. This can be mind boggling if you really think about it, because we perceive our world as very physical.” - Ashmi Pathela

Space is big. Yep. There are solar systems, and galaxies, and galaxies of galaxies (galaxy clusters) and even galaxies of galaxies of galaxies (superclusters). And that’s just outer space. The inner space of consciousness is even, further, way, way, waaaay more mindbogglingly bigger than that, because hey, the inner space of consciousness actually contains all of outer space in its inner pocket” - Sören Lauritzen

The kingdom of Heaven is within you. A Heaven of your own. When you enter paradise, everything you desire is provided in endless abundance. Trust your desires. Be still and know that you are GOD. Know that your awareness is GOD and that all things are possible for you.” - Neville Goddard

There are no limits to where you can go; you are infinite. An objective seperated God is not the answer. There is no answer. There does not need to be an answer. There is no problem. There just is. After it frees, truth dissolves. We are integrating and releasing the story of God. No story can hold the infinite. No story can hold what we are. The release of the story of God is the healing of the wound we express as fundamentalism.” - Story Waters

For us humans the game / process of living life is the primary game that we’re participating in during our stay in the virtual reality here on Earth. The game of life, so to speak. Ultimately ALL of the drama in your life comes from yourself. Letting go of the drama games you’re currently attached to is like letting go of anything else – it’s just a decision.” - Sören Lauritzen

“Our reality is much like a super advanced virtual reality computer game where our very own thoughts create every aspect of what we experience in the game. You are a creator, and you are creating your reality! It is important to remember that this reality is indeed a game. Our Earthly reality is essentially an illusion. It is not "real" in the normal sense that we use the word.  It is a purely perceptual experience of consciousness.  The only thing real is consciousness itself, and the only part of the real you that is affected by what appears to happen in the game is the state of your consciousness.  Because ultimately this is all that you are — pure consciousness — an eternal thread of the one universal consciousness.  We are all integral parts of the Magnificent One!” - Jeff Street

Paradise is not “out there” it is met within your choice of perception. You are God within an act of choice. You are “that which chooses” and you are currently choosing to be human. You are God choosing to be you” - Story Waters

“Probabilities are infinite and a miracle to behold. You are unlimited. The conscious self is forever. Don’t underestimate your ability and potential. Consciousness is a component of matter. Consciousness is like the clay of the universe. It forms itself into whatever it wants in order to discover what it is in its endless variations. You exist at the center of a web of probabilities” - William Eastwood

Physicality is a translation of our spirit. You can’t transcend it. Stop trying to escape. The spiritual plane is here and now. It is within us. Most New Age spirituality is not about love and acceptance of what we are; it is about escaping what we are. Spiritual ascension has become about people that wish to ascend away from this physical plane in order to exist as pure spirit on the spiritual plane. This world is eternal-consciousness expressed through our space-time perception. Physicality does not create our problems; it is a powerful lens that translates consciousness into time and space. The physical plane and the spiritual plane are not different. You cannot escape the beingness that you are. There is no escape. Embrace the paradox. Here is spiritual. Here is now. Here is physical. Here is where everything happens. Wake up and enjoy what you are right now. In ascension you do not go anywhere. To ascend is to open your eyes and see that you are already exactly where you want to be.” - Story Waters

But fact remains;

“The creator wanted to experience many-ness from oneness, and thus the Source multiplied itself in countless forms to experience its own creation. However , there is no single second where you are not the source. You are the Source, you are the Cause. When you create, you are GOD!” - Manisha Sharma

Claim your godly SELF as you are the ONLY God! YOU ARE GOD, GET OVER IT!

You are amazing. You are the creation of yourself. You are that which creates. You are the choice to experience existence—beingness. The only limit to what you can be is your self-belief and your imagination.
— Story Waters
Within your heart is a dream. The meaning of life is to live that dream. You can only live that dream if you believe you can. Believe in your dream. You are free to be whatever it is you wish to be.
— Story Waters
The Universe and YOU

The Universe and YOU

Spiritual Abundance

Spiritual Abundance