This article explores the fusion of cyberpunk and mythology, imagining a future where artificial intelligence and digital entities take on the roles of ancient gods, shaping human destiny from the shadows. It delves into themes of ascension to digital godhood, the blending of ancient myths with futuristic technology, and the potential of AI as divine beings within a cyberpunk universe. The narrative reimagines a world where digital gods and cyber-enhanced beings guide or control humanity, offering new mythopoetic storytelling possibilities in a technologically advanced society. Includes a cyberpunk 2077 game fan fiction short story takes place in a transformed Night City, where Nova Console, a former netrunner who has ascended to digital godhood, reshapes the city into a cyberpunk utopia. By blending mythology with advanced technology, Nova crafts digital dreamscapes where ancient gods and futuristic visions coexist, offering the city's inhabitants new possibilities and roles. Rook, a former mercenary, navigates this evolving reality, discovering that Night City has become a place where reality and myth blend seamlessly, offering limitless opportunities for reinvention and hope.